The criteria for admitting new students at Adventist School Bouchrieh priorities the applicant’s personal capability and the parents’ willingness to positively participate in the process of his/her upbringing and education. Therefore it admits learners regardless of their religion, race and socio-economic status. Due to its current facilities and human resources it cannot accept learners whose disability requires special care.
1. Applicants are invited to apply only to classes where vacancies are available.
2. As the languages of instruction are English, as a first foreign language, and French, as a second one, command of both languages is a prerequisite for application.
3. Children of alumni and other applicants whose brothers &/or sisters are A.S.B. students are given priority of applying but without any further obligation for acceptance.
4. For purposes of admission and selection, the following documents must be presented along with the application form:
• A copy of the applicant’s identity card or passport
• A passport size photograph (2)
• An official certificate of promotion from his / her previous school stamped by the Ministry of Education
• A report on the applicant’s grades for the last 2 years of schooling
• A copy of the applicant’s health record (for Preschool Division)
• Registration Fee (must be paid within one week of the acceptance letter date.)
• New File fee for every new student.
5. The HOD interviews the applicant in the presence of his / her parents. Accordingly, the applicant is given permission to sit for the entrance exams or not. This applies for all the Divisions except the Preschool where acceptance or rejection of the applicant is decided based on the interview.
6. Selected applicants are requested to take the entrance exams and should pay the examination fees. Applicants are provided with a syllabus including the topics to be prepared.
7. Applicants achieving most of the objectives in the entrance exams and scoring at least the average (12/20 or 60%) in every subject matter are accepted. An applicant can take the entrance exam only once.
8. The school administration has the right to accept or reject any applicant without giving any justifications. The school administration communicates to the parents through a written form the acceptance or rejection of the applicant.
9. Registration fees are not refundable in case the learner does not join A.S.B These fees cannot be transferred either to brothers/sisters or other relatives studying at A.S.B
10. School supplies will be available beginning of September.