Welcome Alumni!
Our Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Adventist School Bouchrieh Alumni Association:
· To maintain the relationship of alumni to Adventist School Bouchrieh and to each other through written, electronic and other communications, and social, academic and other events
· To render aid and cooperation to the School in order to facilitate academic and extracurricular programs and other student activities
· To award scholarships and other grants to deserving students of the Adventist School Bouchrieh, and
· to raise funds, by dues, contributions, events and otherwise, in order to support those activities which result in the furtherance of the above.
What do we do?
The association provides opportunities for members who have attended Adventist School Bouchrieh. You need not be a graduate of ASB in order to be a member of the Association. You must have attended ASB for one full school year.
A note to this year's Seniors: Once you graduate from ASB, you become the newest members of the ASB Alumni Association.